💸Chapter 2 economy

Every battle unit will cost a certain amount in HPE. To shop for new troops, you can use the HPE accumulated in Chapter 1, buy HPE on a DEX, or spend the HPE acquired in Chapter 2 itself.

There will be no additional emission, apart from the hypothetical case that the game migrates to a different blockchain and HPE are reissued on the new chain and burned on BNB Chain. We also plan to conduct regular buyback-and-burns, so that the total supply of HPE in circulation will be stable, in spite of the continuing reward payouts.

There are several ways to earn HPE in Chapter 2:

  1. winning battles (there is an HPE prize for each victory);

  2. mining resources (the more advanced your installation and tools, the more you earn);

  3. construct certain types of buildings on your territory (custom houses that collect taxes; trading houses, etc.);

  4. selling the natural resources (wood, metal, hyperium) that you mine;

  5. participating in regular tournaments;

  6. sharing successes on social media to get HPE bonuses (see Chapter 1);

  7. inviting referrals (see Chapter 1);

  8. participating in giveaways and airdrops;

  9. voting in the DAO;

  10. HPE staking and yield farming.

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