
The ancient powers of the Flower of Life turned the little robot Skittle into a living man โ€“ Supreme General Skittle. He has to deal with an urgent threat: now that deadly radiation is gone, the Empire of the Black Hole is sending troops back to Evergem to resume hyperium mining. The invasion has resumed.

General Skittle calls on the surviving Ahatrians to come out on the surface and unite to fight the Empire. Itโ€™s more than a battle for survival: the people of Evergem want to exact vengeanัe for all the loved ones they lost and their ruined cities. Itโ€™s not just an army; itโ€™s the legion of Vengeance.

  • Gather a squad and gradually turn it into an army;

  • Train your fighters and lead them on dangerous missions and exciting quests;

  • Plan and win large set-piece battles;

  • Collect precious artifacts and build up a powerful castle;

  • Team up with other players to defeat the strongest foes.

The mysterious magic of the Flower of Life will give you an advantage over a more numerous enemy!

Last updated